Looking up at blue sky and art sculpture at GVSU

An Empowered Educational Experience

在大峡谷,我们做任何事情都以学生为中心. Education is 对学习者本身和公众都有内在价值 good for the wider communities of which we are a part. We consider 我们教育界的每个成员都是学习者,我们每个人都是 different stages in our educational pathway. We commit to helping 学生发现他们的激情,并引导和支持他们 way. 领导这些努力的是专家教师,他们开发了 课程,我们的学生需要掌握他们所选择的学术方向.

Our Strategy

 学生代理和成功将永远推动我们的集体工作. We will demonstrate this by prioritizing:

  • 不断努力了解学生的个别需要, motivations, 以及得到教职员工积极支持的目标.
  • Expanded flexibility for students to learn when, how, and where they learn best, 再加上对教职员工的适当支持,使他们能够适应变化,同时继续提供优质的教育机会.
  • 充满学习机会的相关项目,可以应用于我们社区和世界的紧迫关注和问题.
  • 为所有学生提供更深入、更广泛的体验式学习,包括实习, practica, cooperative placements, global learning, undergraduate research, community-based learning, and more.
  • 通识教育与专业教育紧密结合,同时体现学生的数字素养, technological proficiency, and leadership development.
  • Collaborative research, scholarship, 创造性的表达将学生和教师团结在一起,成为终身学习和追求新知识的典范.
  • 为学生提供个性化的帮助,从教师中识别和发展导师和顾问网络, staff, peers, employers, alumni, 和社区成员组成了一个扩展的GVSU学习社区.
  • 展示学习互惠的社区参与实践.
  • 逐步扩大高需求的课程,严格设计,反映了自由教育和专业教育的融合.

Group of students sitting outside during class

A Lifetime of Learning

从我们与学习者的第一次接触,我们努力提供 创新课程、辅助课程和体验式学习 opportunities. At Grand Valley, our approach to teaching and learning 继续将博雅教育和专业教育结合起来 学科和跨学科的方式,这是直接相关的 to the communities and world our graduates shape. The liberal 本科课程的教育途径提供了一个 如何学习以及如何应用所学知识的基础 leadership roles and within diverse communities. With our support and 指导,终身学习者塑造这些社区,当他们是 学生,以及他们的余生. Our faculty 通过前沿树立终身学习的热情追求 research, scholarship, and expression. We pursue reciprocal 与校友和社区合作伙伴建立可持续的关系 and supportive learning networks. Our programs and educators encourage 学生们就如何在自己的工作中进取产生想法 学习,特别是以增强社区和工作场所的方式学习.

Our Strategy

为学生在生活和职业生涯的各个阶段设计和利用学习机会, meeting their needs where they are.

We will succeed at this through:

  • Championing a strong foundation of liberal education that engenders the mindset and skills to advance students’ education across a lifetime; the liberal education will always be integrated with experiential, practical, 以及专业的教育机会,推动我们学习社区的所有人积极地影响社会和更大的世界.
  • 在更大的GVSU学习社区中,在所有人之间建立有益和支持的联系, including future and currently enrolled students, alumni, faculty, staff, and community members.
  • Increasing flexibility for students in terms of pace and engagement with curricular components; this may include additional terms across the calendar year, more summer time, online, low-residency, and on-demand selections.
  • 吸引我们传统年龄的FTIAC学生群体,支持他们终身学习,同时为成人学习者提供更多有吸引力的选择.
  • 建立战略机构伙伴关系,扩大我们的影响, expand our reach, and better serve diverse groups of learners (e.g., community colleges, Hispanic-serving institutions, historically Black colleges and universities, etc.).


A Culture of Educational Equity

我们欣然接受我们在紧急推进人人平等方面的领导作用 learners. 我们共同确保我们的社区发挥催化剂的作用 朝着一个更加公正和可持续的世界——在我们的校园内外. 我们致力于消除学生成功的差异和障碍, 特别是那些历史上一直沿着有色人种的界限, 种族,社会经济地位,性/性别,包括性别认同和 expression, and sexual orientation.

Our Strategy


We will achieve this through:

  • 消除教育机会、保留和坚持的体制障碍.
  • Developing and establishing university policies, practices, systems, 以及体现我们机构对多样性负责的文化, equity, inclusion, access, and total well-being for all community members.
  • 招收、授权和保留多元化的学生、教师和工作人员.
  • 适当地承认GVSU存在于阿尼什纳族-奥吉布族的土地上, Odawa, 并致力于提高阿尼什纳族在学生中的知名度, faculty, and staff; its curriculum; and its cultural programming.
  • Incorporating environmental, human, 全球和社会活力的经济因素超越了我们目前屡获殊荣的可持续实践.

Page last modified March 7, 2022